Welcome To My Portfolio
On this page you can preview the different projects I have completed!
Visit the application/website itself or navigate to the GitHub repository to check out the code base!
PokéWire Re-Imagined
Built With:
NextJS | ReactJS | Tailwind CSS | Node.js | PostgreSQL | Prisma | IndexedDB | Local Storage
Jesse Ryder Brown Foundation, Inc.
Built With:
ReactJS | NextJS | Node.js | CSS | Figma
BroFit Personal Training
Built With:
HTML | BootStrap | CSS | JavaScript (repository is private due to client request)
Outta Touch
Built With:
MongoDB | Express.js | ReactJS | Node.js | Apollo Client | Apollo Server | Web-sockets | GraphQL | GraphQL Subscriptions
Built With:
Node.js | Express.js | mySQL | JavaScript | jQuery | Handlebars | Bootstrap | CSS
Built With:
HTML | JavaScript | jQuery | Bulma | CSS | Third Party API